You can choose between two ropeways offering two different kind of experiences and views:

1)Hakone ropeway: After reaching Souzan Station, enjoy your time at “cu-mo Hakone”, a terrace from where you can admire the breathtaking scenery of Hakone volcanic crater, Sagami Bay and Gora city. If you would like to relax, you can try a free foot bath. Then, you will descend from the slope by the cable car and stop at Owakudani. It takes about 15 minutes and while going down, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the active, sulfuric hot spring. In fact, Owakudani is a popular sightseeing spot also known as Jigokudani (Hell Valley) due to the sulfur smell spreading throughout the area. Here you can taste kurotamago (black egg), a delicacy that can be eaten in Owakudani only.

2)Komagatake ropeway: The Komagatake ropeway runs between Lake Ashi and the peak of Mt. Komagatake. The ride starts near the Prince Hotel on Lake Ashi, precisely from Shirabidaira Station, and it will take you up to Senjojiki Station, located on the top of Hakone hightest peak from where you can admire a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji, the Pacific Ocean and even Tokyo on clear days. Moreover, after a short walk, you will reach the summit of Mt. Komagatake atop which Hakone Mototsumiya-jinja Shrine stands.

Later, you will proceed to Togendai Port and you will get on the Hakone Pirate ship, a sightseeing cruise ship built as replicas of pirate ships running across Lake Ashinoko, which has been operating since 1964. Moreover, from the ship you can also see the red torii gate of Hakone Shrine, which appears to be floating on the water Within 25 minutes you will reach Hakonemachi Port.