Gujo Hachiman is a small riverside city located in the middle of Gifu Prefecture. Gujo is renowned for its Gujo Odori, a summer dance festival is part of UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and for its clear mineral water flowing into the network of streams stretching all over the town. Gujo is also the place where the Replica Food business started. Replica Food is a marketing tool reproducing, with a high degree of mastery, the true appearance of colourful plastic samples of food and beverages to display in restaurant windows.
Upon arrival at Gujo, you will participate in ” Replica Food-making experience” through which you can enjoy the modern Japanese Culture by creating samples of your favourite Japanese food and beverages with your own hands.
You cannot miss a visit at Gujo Hachiman Castle, built by a feudal lord on the top of Hachiman Mountain in 1559, and have a stroll around the city.