Uji is a well-preserved small town located in Southern Kyoto and it is also home to the stunning Buddhist Byōdō-in Temple (Temple of Equality), depicted on the back of the 10 Japanese yen coin and famous for its “Phoenix Hall” built on an island in a pond and dedicated towards the worship of the Amida Buddha. There are two reasons for its name: the one is a pair of phoenixes displayed on the roof and the second is the symmetry in the construction of the Hall, which looks like a phoenix attempting to land in a pond. Together with its garden, the Temple represents the image of the Buddhist Pure Land, the Western Paradise where Buddha Amida resides. In the main Hall you can admire Amida Buddha statue covered in gold leaf and surrounded by 52 Bodhisattvas on clouds who always accompany Amida in guiding the souls of devotees to the Pure Land. They are represented while praying, playing musical instruments or dancing.
Afterwards, you will visit at the annexed Hosho-kan Museum.
*If you are fond of Japanese tea, please let us know if you would like to try Uji Tea, which is renowned as the finest in all of Japan.