Do you know that Food Replicas have originated in Gifu Prefecture, in particular in Gujo City?Even now, the 60% of food replica production is made here. When you visit Japan for the first time, you will be amazed by the colorful food replica displayed outside of restaurants and cafeterias. Food replica is also called “sampuru” from “shokuhin sampuru”, which originates from the English word “sample” and it is a marketing tool featuring the reproduction of the true appearance of food and beverages, which are made of wax, plastic and resin. They look even more real than the real food!
Experience Japanese culture through this creative and unique technology! Expert staff will guide you throughout the session, from the design the wax parts shaping process in order to create your original food sample. They will teach you everything you need to know, so even first-timers can enjoy participating. You will also learn about food replica history, its inventor Takizo Iwasaki born in Gujo, and many other curiosities about this exclusive world.
Nowadays is very popular wearing food-shaped earrings, so why don’t you buy your favorite food merchandise featuring Japanese food for example cute ramen bowl earrings, or Takoyaki mobile phone charms instead of wagashi Japanese confectionery key chains, sushi USB drives, magnets、and more!